Sunday, November 7, 2010

Potatoe Soup

Josh's Mom makes this and it is so yummy, and way easy, even I can do it

6-10 Potatoes (depending on how much you want)
1 lb sausage browned, oil rinsed off
Corn (1 can or small bag of frozen)
1 bag frozen veggies (carrots, cauliflower, brocoli)
3-5 packets Country Gravy Mix

Potatoes: wash and peel, cut into a little larger than bite size chunks. Boil until soft (not mushy, cause once you start mixing everything in, you will have mashed potatoes with sausage and veggies :) )

Mix the Gravy mix with milk in a small bow, be sure all clumps are out.

Once potatoes are done, drain most but not all of the water, I usually save some aside in case I drained too much, then I can add it back.
Add the vegies and sausage and stir.
Add Gravy mix
This is where it gets tricky, it should be a little thick but not too thick, it should still be like a soup. If it is too thick you can add more water or milk until it is at the right consistency that you like.

We top it with some cheese and enjoy. Also good to serve with muffins.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

yummy I am goign to have to try this one this winter!